The Last Ride
Srinitha Sridharan
விலை ரூ.130
{1022-8967-5614-3900 [{புத்தகம் பற்றி The Last Ride and The Throne of Hauballus by Srinitha Sridharan are both wonderful stories. The Last Ride is a story about Aphrodite’s and Athena’s battle with Ferisianca and thirty trolls to rescue her mom and many gods and goddesses, while The Throne of Hauballus is about Aphrodite and Athena’s journey to the Islands of Askat to seek and destroy the throne of the troll, Hauballus. From stallions to braving waterfalls and hydras, images simply leap off the page, painting a picture with words. These books take readers through a beautiful world of fantasy, effortlessly mixing contemporary with mythical characters. The flow of language throughout the books is smooth and effortless. At just 9 years of age, Srinitha has shown an exceptional talent at creating vivid images, which will capture the hearts and minds of children and young adults alike.
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